Page 12 - TBWShowDailyD2
P. 12

12                      SHOW DAILY          DAY 2

                         bike week

           Taiwanese bike companies

           share ESG data

                  recent issue of BRAIN   country does not require
                  shared how Taiwanese    companies to use standardized
           A bike companies are           methods  to  compile  their
           faring in terms of ESG. As     numbers, which may explain
           so many things do in the       why some figures vary so
           United States, the concept     wildly from company to        million), while Giant's was    manufacturing employee in
           of Environmental, Social,      company.                      NT$92 billion.                 2022 will be $23,679 (TWD
           and Governance reports has         BRAIN shared data from         Water use is also closely   $761,078).
           sparked an economic/cultural   reports from six Taiwanese    watched. Giant reported the         The  cost  of  benefits
           debate.                        companies that are primarily   use of 2.8 million tons of water,   per employee ranged from
                In Taiwan, however,       bike suppliers and are traded   far above the others even when   NT$571,000  (Lee  Chi)  to
           ESG reports provide some       on the Taipei stock exchange.   compared to its revenues. The   NT$1,509 (KMC).
           useful information. Analysts                                 second biggest user is Merida,      The percentage of female
           in Taiwan have noted that the   Environmental                at a reported 121,000 tons.    executives ranged from 8%
           European Union is planning                                   In terms of waste produced,    (Lee Chi) to 42% (Ideal).
           to impose carbon tariffs on        [It is important to note   Giant reported 26,300 tons,        As a percentage of
           imports beginning in 2026.     that only Giant stated that its   more than ten times the figure   revenue, occupational injuries
           While the details of that tax   figures were ISO-certified by   reported by Merida, the second   ranged from zero (Ideal, KMC,
           are still being worked out, it is   a third-party company. Sun   largest waste producer. Neither   and SunRace) to 0.74% at Lee
           good business for exporters to   Race and Ideal did not provide   company declared if water   Chi. Giant had a rate of 0.47%,
           start measuring—and actively   Scope 3 data, so only 1-2 are   use or waste produced was    while Merida had a rate of
           reducing—carbon emissions in   included.]                    certified.                     0.15%.
           particular.                        Carbon emissions are
                "The collection of carbon   most likely the most scrutinized   Social                  Governance
           border tariffs, also known     environmental metric in ESG
           as "green inflation," will     reports.                           The Social numbers are         In  the  G over nanc e
           have a significant impact on       Scope 1 accounts for a    simpler measurements. The      category,  Taiwan's  stock
           Taiwan's manufacturing-based   company's direct emissions,   average cost of employee       exchange is gathering data
           industries, according to Lee   while Scopes 2 and 3 account   benefits, the average salary   on the number of independent
           Chi Enterprises' 2022 annual   for emissions caused by       of all employees and non-      directors, the number and
           report. According to the brake   the company's activities but   executive employees, the    percentage of seats held by
           and component manufacturer,    emitted by other companies.   median   salar y   of   non -  women, the ratio of directors
           EU tariffs will make "carbon       With 34,700 tons of       executives, the percentage     meeting a required number of
           reduction no longer an option   CO2e emissions for Scopes    of female executives, and      training hours, and the number
           for enterprises but a must for   1 and 2, Giant's emissions   the number of occupational    of investor conferences held.
           future competitiveness."       dwarf those of the competition.   accidents  are  all  factors    Lee Chi leads the pack,
                Western companies' ESG    Merida came in second with    considered.                    with four of the seven directors
           reports, on the other hand,    6,800 tons. Giant is the largest   Non-executive salaries    being female. Sun Race came
           are a showcase for corporate   company in the report, and in   ranged from $16,000 (TWD     next, with three of its nine
           design experts and content     terms of tons of CO2e emitted   $835,733) per year at Lee    directors being female. Then
           producers, with colorful slides   per million dollars in revenue,   Chi to nearly $31,000 (TWD   came Merida (3 out of 13), KMC
           and infographics. However, in   Giant trails chain manufacturer   $996,386) at KMC (September   (1 out of 7), and Giant (1 out of
           Taiwan, companies are only     KMC, brake/component          22, 2023 exchange rates).      11). Ideal, which has the highest
           required to enter numbers into   manufacturer Lee Chi, and Sun   Lee Chi is the only company   percentage of female executives
           24-row spreadsheets that they   Race.                        in which non-executive         (42%), has no females on its
           file with the stock exchange.      Sun Race had the lowest   employees earn more than the   seven-member board.
                Taiwan required annual    total emissions of the six    company average.                    Last year, Giant held 12
           reports beginning last year,   companies, with 1,128 tons.        According to Taiwan's     investor conferences, KMC
           with the second year's reports   However, its revenue last year   Mini st r y of  L ab o r,  t h e   held 100, and everyone else
           published in late June. The    was only NT$244 million ($7.8   average annual salary for a   held one.
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