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bike week
ORA Engineering: Pioneers
in Bike Manufacturing and
Metal Processing
ounded in 1996, ORA in product development
Engineering, with its but is equally invested in
F30 years of excellence environmental and social
in metal processing and responsibilities. The company’s
welding, stands as a beacon sustainable practices include
of innovation and reliability a transformative water
in the bicycle manufacturing treatment system, low-
industry. Originating as a waste manufacturing, and a
family-owned business, ORA paperless workflow, echoing
has transformed into a global its environmental commitment.
leader, delivering bespoke ORA’s societal contributions
bicycle solutions from its state- are marked by its emphasis
of-the-art facility in Houli, on providing opportunities
Taiwan. It's here that a team to underprivileged students
of 90 experts seamlessly through internships and
marries advanced materials its collaboration with local
like titanium, stainless steel, colleges to bridge theoretical
and chromoly steel with knowledge with practical
cutting-edge technology to experience. The company
craft bicycles renowned for also champions inclusivity
their supreme quality and and gender diversity, fostering
design, catering to markets a supportive and equitable
in North America, Europe, workplace. The facility, armed
the UK, and Northeast Asia. with the latest in production
With an extensive process technology, enables the
involving over 400 meticulous creation of high-quality,
procedures and checkpoints, ISO4210 certified products,
ORA ensures each product, promising reliability and
backed by lifetime service, unparalleled customization
resonates with the brand’s capabilities to meet diverse
ethos of originality, reliability, customer needs, reinforcing
and advancement. ORA’s reputation as a trusted
O R A E ng i ne e r i ng partner in the bicycle industry.
is not just committed to
pushing the boundaries
▲Titanium internal routing stem. ▲Titanium e-bike frame.