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October 4, 2023 19
Magura Aims for a Complete Range
he MT A2, Magura's reserved for high-end products,
latest disc brake system, so the MT A2 will not be
Taims to break into the customizable for the time being.
entry-level market. Magura M a g ur a in c r e as e d
is known for high-end, often p r o du c t i o n dur i n g t h e
very expensive products. They coronavirus outbreak, and their
intend to use this to enter a output increased significantly.
market where there are also They even started a new
large quantities. As they put production line, which resulted
it, they want to "complete their in this product.
range" as a brake specialist. They employ approximately
Initially, it is only available to OE 200 Taiwanese and Chinese
customers, with only spare parts assemblers, as well as a
available on the aftermarket. company in the United States and
They claim that it is a metal company in Germany.
essentially a new product in Magura is currently
which the tubing exit is parallel involved in a joint venture with
to the handlebar and is very Bosch called MBPS (Magura
integrated. Their newest member Bosch Parts & Services), in
of the brake family employs their which they collaborate on
"carbotecture" of carbon fiber services, sales, marketing,
material and is available in rotor and training. Riese & Müller
sizes ranging from 160mm to was among the first to use the
180mm. It takes half the energy MT A2 disc brake, followed by
to make a master out of this Kahlkoff, with others likely to
material than it does to make a follow suit.
master out of aluminum. It has not been an easy
The Combined Braking situation for the bike industry.
System distributes brake force Magura has learned to adapt to
between the front and rear the situation and be flexible with
brakes, resulting in a 40% their customers.
shorter braking distance. It Their goal for Taichung
also boasts proven MT braking Bike Week is to maintain close
performance, easy installation contact with OE customers,
and maintenance, and a five- determine what information they
year leak-proof guarantee. require to inform them about
The company is known for new products, and hopefully
providing highly customizable move into a future where the
products to customers; however, bike is strong once more.
this strategy is currently